Meet the masterminds

We've spent the last 19 years researching and developing this powerful self-assessment system.

Our powerful psychometric assessment tools will ensure you never need another tool. If your mind isn't blown, you used the wrong tool.

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The most in-depth behavioral analysis - bar none.

We deliver four incredible in-depth analysis' including behavior, temperament, motivations, and axiology. We are a group of highly trained behavioral consultants who can assist you with all your people needs!

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    Human Behavior

    Your natural and adapted behaviors based on the four primary emotions: anger, optimism, patience, and fear.

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    The Big 5 temperament traits including openness, extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and agreeableness.

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    We measure your 7 motivational orientations including originality, efficiency, control, individualism, sacrifice, and compliance, and curiosity.

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    Axiology includes empathy, practical thinking, structured thinking, self-esteem, role-awareness, and self-direction.

Steve Sisler and his team are behavioral savants.

Dr. Tony Alessandra

Steve's team and their knowledge is uncanny.

Jair Rodriguez
Behavioral Consultant

Steve Sisler and his team are mind readers.

Tucker Max
Serial Entrepreneur

The most powerful experience I've ever had!

David Liyan
Serial Entrepreneur


Satisfied Assessees

Powerful Tools


Years Development



Our team of professional behavioral consultants will blow your mind. We are not assessment sellers. We are behavioral consultants dedicated to assisting you with all your people’s needs.

Using our world-class tools, we will decipher your profiles and use the information gathered to catapult your team to higher heights. Retain us, and we’ll make your life a whole lot easier!